Philip Millians has been volunteering at Bluffton Self Help since August of 2022 and has made himself an indispensable member of our team in the time since. With “giving back” on his bucket list, Philip has committed himself to serving whatever needs we have at BSH, all while also keeping up with the fierce pickleball competition in our area and enjoying retirement with his wife, Julie. His eagerness to give back is evident in not only the number of shifts he picks up, but also his enthusiasm to do whatever needs to be done. This includes everything from last-minute events outside our normal hours, closing shop when the staff are away at a meeting, and fixing tubing in refrigerators – all alongside his frequent call-in shifts in the warehouse. Philip can be counted on to undertake these myriad tasks with good humor and warmth that makes him a delight to have around. Philip does all this and more because he believes in BSH’s mission, and because he is a “truly good man,” as described by staff members. Thank you, Philip, you deserve this volunteer spotlight, and all the kudos that come with it!
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