Bluffton Self Help is hosting Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin’ By World, and invites you to commit to making a change. Together, we will start a journey to identify your strengths, share your experiences, take responsibility, and learn from each other.
• A meal provided at every session.
• $25 gift card paid to participant for each session attended.
• Materials and workbook.
• A network of fellow graduates to lean on for years to
• Be a part of a 16-week “kitchen-table” style workshop, Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin’ By World.
• Meet with peers and facilitators weekly for a three-hour session.
• Learn to build more resources for your life.
• Move beyond thinking about making a change to doing it.
• Gain the support to make a positive difference in your life.
• Attend the group regularly, participate in group discussions and commit up to 2 hours weekly outside the classroom to
• Learn that money is only one of 11 factors that affect self-sufficiency. By examining the resources, you have versus the resources you need, you will be able to formulate a personal plan, based on goals, to thrive.
During the progress mid-report, we surveyed our participants. They reported of having learned:
- “About different resources in the community and to start thinking differently. To start planning ahead to get out of the situation I put myself in.”
- “The importance of the hidden rules and how not to be a victim of the system.”
- “Everything around me can affect my life.”
- “To plan.”
- “To manage the tyranny of the moment and how to make educated decisions instead of emotional decisions.”
- “To budget.”
We are excited to invite you to get ahead! On Abril 23rd-Agosto 6th, Tuesdays 9am-12pm.
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