After 20 years, Tina decided take her young children and leave an unhealthy marriage. At this same time, her job of 15 years was eliminated. Going from married with two incomes, Tina was now a single parent with no income and added legal expenses.
Exhausting her savings and struggling to maintain any sort of normalcy for her children, Tina came to Bluffton Self Help (BSH) to meet the most basic need, food, in order to feed herself and children. Once she engaged with BSH she learned of other programs we offer that could help her and her children through this difficult time. Tina applied for financial assistance to help pay her rent. She also utilized services provided by the Education and Resource Center to create a resume and apply for jobs.
In the 30 days Tina was involved with Bluffton Self Help she was able to receive support with basic necessities and the tools she needed during a difficult time in order to make a fresh start for her children. Tina was assisted with her rent which prevented eviction and the possibility of facing homelessness. One eviction can many times push families into homelessness, landlords refuse to rent to those with past evictions further reducing the already small pool of affordable rentals. Bluffton Self Help also allowed Tina to cut expenses and drastically stretch her budget through regular visits to the Wellness Food Pantry, shopping for food and clothing at the Confidence Clothing Closet. She has also received a full-time employment position and began working again through the support offered at the Education & Resource Center.
Tina reported that the assistance provided by BSH has helped lower her stress and allowed her to follow through on daily activities. She and her husband are now divorced, he is paying child support and again involved with their children’s care. Tina has started working and loves her new job! She feels a huge sense of relief knowing she is close to being caught up on her bills. Tina and her children are adjusting to their new normalcy.
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