Bluffton Self Help has received a major Challenge Grant for its “Building and Sustaining Hope” capital campaign from the Hilton Head Island Foundation Endowment Fund, which is part of the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry. The fund has awarded more than $35 million since 1994 to local nonprofit organizations.
According to its President Peter Bromley, Bluffton Self Help will receive up to $67,000 for new building contributions made between March 18, 2011 and March 1, 2012. “We are indeed thrilled and very grateful to the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry for this award. It is an honor to receive the largest grant they awarded this cycle, especially considering how many deserving applications they received”, stated Bromley. “Not only does it show the Foundation’s endorsement for our need of more building space, but it also provides a major boost to our caital campaign – as well as a great incentive for community donations. We are fully confident that the community of Bluffton will help us meet and exceed this challenge” he added.
Under the terms of a recently signed 20 year lease with the Town of Bluffton, BSH has the option to build on town-owned land at 115 Bluffton Road (SC 46) near the Hargray building. The current plans for the new facility provide between 6000 and 7000 square feet compared to its current 1,000 square foot facility located on May River Road. Importantly it will result in faster, more efficient and expanded operations, safer traffic control and parking, simultaneous client services and donation receiving operations, an indoor waiting area for clients, said Bromley.
The pre-construction phase would begin with groundbreaking targeted for late 2011 and completion 12 months later.

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