Clara, a single mother of two, called in from the waiting room at the Children’s hospital in MUSC. Her son, with severe kidney disease, receives dialysis at MUSC 3 times per week, every week. She is very familiar with that waiting room. She just learned that her electricity was due to be disconnected in 2 days! Clara has a Masters degree in Education and is employed as a teacher in the Bluffton school system. She has missed several days of work due to her travels to Charleston on behalf of her son, and
although her job is still secure for the fall season, her pay has been greatly affected and caused her to get behind with her electric bill. She is fearful of the health of her child, especially in the blistering heat of the south with no air conditioning! After a brief interview and verification of information the following day, Bluffton Self Help was able to pay her past due electric bill and keep her electricity on! In addition, she was referred to other organizations to help with medical transportation
and other benefits available to help her and her family.

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