SUPPORT STUDENTS | August 7th – May 7th
The research is clear: hungry children experience many negative mental and behavioral outcomes. Food security, however, strongly influences positive mental health outcomes in children and teens. When schools can ensure that students have access to the nutritious food they need, they are better equipped to learn and thrive.
Unfortunately, many teachers must pay for snacks out of their own pockets to provide for children who are unable or forgot to bring snacks from home. To ensure every child is ready to learn, we provide free snacks all year long through our School Snack Closet, available at each Bluffton public school.
Help stock all 10 School Snack Closets with healthy snacks to get students through the school year.
3 ways to give back:
1. Shop the school snack Amazon Wishlist or Walmart Wishlist.
2. Host a drive.
3. Drop off most needed items beginning August 7th.
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