Do I Qualify for Emergency Financial Assistance?
Resident families of Bluffton, Mainland Hilton Head Island, and Jasper County experiencing a unexpected hardship qualify for Emergency Financial Assistance.
To be considered for assistance, you’ll need to complete a financial assistance application, provide the requested documentation below to support your hardship, and engage with Bluffton Self Help by using the programs and services offered that can benefit your family in creating your plan forward.
After receiving your completed application and case documentation, we will likely have questions or require additional documentation as part of the process. During the application period, please check your emails regularly, including junk mail, and be sure that you take our phone calls and return our voicemails in a timely manner. It can take 3 – 5 days after submitting your case for review for a determination to be made. We are diligent in our work and our process takes time.
Application Restrictions
- A household is not eligible for financial assistance if any member of the household has received financial assistance from BSH within the last 365 days.
- Must be a resident in current dwelling for at least 90 days.
- The applicant must only owe the current month on the bill they are seeking assistance with.
- BSH does not pay late fees or reconnection fees.
Required Documentation
Applies to ALL applicants
- State issued photo ID/DL or passport (if state issued ID is not available)
- Proof of hardship (what has prevented you from paying this recurring, necessary bill? A hardship is usually an unexpected bill or unexpected loss of income.)
- Proof of income (current paystub or SSI/D award letter). Proof of income is required of ALL adults living in the household before a case can be considered.
- Proof of a plan going forward. How will you pay for next month’s bill(s)?
Eligible Expenses
Additional documents required based on type of assistance requested
- Rent: Rental request applicants must provide the current lease paperwork and ledger showing 3 months of payment history in addition to the current balance due.
- Mortgage: Mortgage request applicants must provide the current month’s statement showing that only the current month’s payment is due.
- Water/Electric/Gas: The most recent water, electricity, or gas bill.
Meet The Requirements? You’re Ready To Get Started.
Click the button below to complete a financial assistance application. Be prepared to provide the requested documentation to support your hardship.
Please note: It can take 3 – 5 days after submitting your case for review for a determination to be made. We are diligent in our work and our process takes time.