Joe Distelheim
Volunteer Tutor
Joe Distelheim was a long-time tutor at our Hilton Head and Bluffton centers. In December of 2020 he sadly passed away. Joe’s core beliefs were that education is a gateway to success and firmly believed in giving back to his community.
To honor Joe, the Joe Distelheim Award was created as a merit-based award program to recognize the efforts of our students. The fund is managed through the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry with oversight from an independent committee. All nominations are made by Bluffton Self Help tutors and those will go to the committee for review.
Each year several students will be awarded $500 each to assist them financially and to acknowledge their commitment and hard work.
The Award is available to ESL students based on the criteria below.
1. Strong, Regular Attendance
2. Measurable Skill Gain (MSG)
3. Community Involvement + Good Citizenship
4. Classroom Interaction
5. Exceptional Effort